**Photos and text brought to you by...the one and only------------Linda Shrum.**
Finally, after 30 some years here it is---updated and bright! Hopefully, new countertops in the near future also! All of this with Thanks to my Mom---love and miss you ! Linda

"During the Floor": Prepping the old floor. Next comes the glue and then the tile.
"After the Floor": WOW! So long carpet! Hello tile!
"After the Floor # 2": A great choice by the interior designers! Many more good times will be had in this kitchen!
Staci, you did a super job!!! Thanks so much for doing this,now everybody can see the new room! You do so well with the captions and hopefully,all will like it! We know we sure do with all the new room we have. The Tile showed up pretty well,at least to get a good idea of it all.Thanks again. Love you much,Mom
Looks awesome Mom! I bet you are loving the new and improved space. good work.
I agree...the kitchen looks awesome! I know that Grandma has loved every minute of the updating process and she loves the finished product! ENJOY!
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