Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fence Fun!

Here you go Ron and Leah! A lovely and newly stained fence. Trust me, good times were had by all! Enjoy the "riveting" pics. Does it get any better than blogging about a fence? I think not!

A picture of the fence.
Another picture of the fence.
You guessed it...the fence!
Yet another picture of the fence.
The fence...again.
Once again, please notice the fence. It is making a cameo appearance in this shot!


Shrum said...

I love the fence! Nice job on building and painting the fence Staci. i never knew you were such a master wood worker. Looks great!

Staci said...

Wood is good!

Chris, Amy, Lexi, and Alyssa said...

That is bestest, stained fence I have EVER do you do it?

Susan said...

I am on the fence about these pictures! :)